[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sniper/mobiledevice/event/listener.php on line 194: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sniper/mobiledevice/event/listener.php on line 199: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sniper/mobiledevice/event/listener.php on line 267: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool
phpBBMexico • [Solucionado]Poner emoticones en una pestaña - Page 3
Page 3 of 4

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 23:00
by Cruciattus
Cruciattus » 02 Oct 2012, 01:02 wrote:Creo que falta algun paso mas, o algo no lo habré hecho bien, porque la pestaña no se ve

Bueno, si no se puede hacer como quiero exactamente, asi está bien. Ya he editado ambos archivos y no me aparece la pestaña de emoticones para expandir
Adjunto mis archivos por si edité mal o algo asi. He refrescado el estilo y todo eso.

Code: Select all
<!-- IF S_PRIVMSGS -->
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<!-- ELSE -->
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<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF not S_SHOW_PM_BOX -->
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<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_DRAFT_LOADED -->  
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<!-- ENDIF -->

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	<!-- END draftrow -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_POST_REVIEW --><!-- INCLUDE posting_review.html --><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_PREVIEW --><!-- INCLUDE posting_preview.html --><!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

<table class="tablebg" width="100%" cellspacing="{$CA_SPACING}">
<!-- IF ERROR -->
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<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_PRIVMSGS -->
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		<td class="row2">
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		<!-- END to_recipient -->
	<!-- IF S_ALLOW_MASS_PM -->
		<td class="row1"><b class="genmed">{L_BCC}:</b></td>
		<td class="row2">
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			<span class="genmed nowrap"><strong>
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		<!-- BEGINELSE -->
			<span class="genmed">{L_NO_BCC_RECIPIENT}</span>
		<!-- END bcc_recipient -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

	<td class="row1" width="22%"><b class="genmed">{L_SUBJECT}:</b></td>
	<td class="row2" width="78%"><input class="post" style="width:450px" type="text" name="subject" size="45" maxlength="<!-- IF S_NEW_MESSAGE -->120<!-- ELSE -->124<!-- ENDIF -->" tabindex="2" value="{SUBJECT}" /></td>
	<td class="row1" width="22%"><b class="genmed">{L_MESSAGE_BODY}:</b></td>
	<td class="row2" width="78%"><span class="genmed">{L_MESSAGE_BODY_EXPLAIN}</span></td>
<!-- IF S_URL -->
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	<td class="row2" width="78%"><input class="post" style="width:450px" type="text" name="url" size="45" maxlength="250" tabindex="2" value="{TOPIC_URL}" /></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->
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	<td class="row2" width="78%"><input class="post" style="width:450px" type="text" name="description" size="45" maxlength="60" tabindex="2" value="{TOPIC_DESCRIPTION}" /></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- ENDIF -->

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		<td class="row2"><input class="post" type="text" name="edit_reason" size="50" value="{EDIT_REASON}" /></td>
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- ENDIF -->

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			<!-- IF S_HAS_DRAFTS -->&nbsp; <input class="btnlite" type="submit" accesskey="d" tabindex="8" name="load" value="{L_LOAD_DRAFT}" /><!-- ENDIF -->
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<!-- ENDIF -->

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<!-- IF not S_PRIVMSGS -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

<br clear="all" />

<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REVIEW --><!-- INCLUDE posting_topic_review.html --><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_HISTORY --><!-- INCLUDE ucp_pm_history.html --><!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_PRIVMSGS -->
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<!-- ELSE -->

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	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<br clear="all" />

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<!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
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<!-- MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (v{S_ABBC3_VERSION}) - Start //-->
<!-- IF S_ABBC3_MOD and not S_ABBC3_DISABLED -->
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<!-- ENDIF -->
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<!-- IF S_BBCODE_IMG -->
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<!-- IF not MAX_FONT_SIZE or MAX_FONT_SIZE >= 200 -->
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<!-- MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (v{S_ABBC3_VERSION}) - End //-->

<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (v{S_ABBC3_VERSION}) - Start //-->
<!-- IF not S_ABBC3_MOD or S_ABBC3_DISABLED -->
<!-- IF S_BBCODE_ALLOWED and .custom_tags -->
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<!-- END custom_tags -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<td id="helpline"<!-- IF $S_SIGNATURE or S_EDIT_DRAFT --> colspan="2"<!-- ENDIF -->>{L_STYLES_TIP}&nbsp;</td>
<!-- IF not $S_SIGNATURE and not S_EDIT_DRAFT -->
<td class="genmed" align="center">{L_FONT_COLOR}</td>
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<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- MOD : MSSTI ABBC3 (v{S_ABBC3_VERSION}) - End //-->[/code]

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 23:21
by cisco007
ahi esta el problemon estas usando el mod de MSSTI ABBC3
necesitas editar el archivo: [c]posting_abbcode_buttons.html[/c]
a mi no me gusta ese mod, y por lo cual no lo tengo instalado ni se si exactamente el lugar para hacer las ediciones! pero creo que si se puede hacer.

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 23:52
by Cruciattus
Jajaja vale, pregunto en el otro lugar. Gracias por indicarme.

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 00:24
by cisco007
que hay que preguntar? nada mas busca en ese archivo a ver si esta esas lineas por ahí para que hagas la edición nada mas es una!

pon lo después de esto:
Code: Select all
				<!-- BEGIN custom_tags -->
				<input type="button" class="button2" name="addbbcode{custom_tags.BBCODE_ID}" value="{custom_tags.BBCODE_TAG}" onclick="bbstyle({custom_tags.BBCODE_ID})" title="{custom_tags.A_BBCODE_HELPLINE}"<!-- IF custom_tags.BBCODE_HELPLINE !== '' --> onmouseover="helpline('cb_{custom_tags.BBCODE_ID}')" onmouseout="helpline2()"<!-- ENDIF --> />
				<!-- END custom_tags -->

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 15:22
by Cruciattus
Osea que, busco en posting_abbcode_buttons.html
Code: Select all
<!-- BEGIN custom_tags -->
				<input type="button" class="button2" name="addbbcode{custom_tags.BBCODE_ID}" value="{custom_tags.BBCODE_TAG}" onclick="bbstyle({custom_tags.BBCODE_ID})" title="{custom_tags.A_BBCODE_HELPLINE}"<!-- IF custom_tags.BBCODE_HELPLINE !== '' --> onmouseover="helpline('cb_{custom_tags.BBCODE_ID}')" onmouseout="helpline2()"<!-- ENDIF --> />
				<!-- END custom_tags -->
y despues coloco esto??
Code: Select all
<input type="button" class="btnbbcode" value="{L_SMILIES}" onclick="toggle_visibility('popup-smilies'); return false;" />

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 15:26
by cisco007
pon lo después o antes, y fijate como queda si no te gusta ahí, ponl o en otra parte de ese archivo!

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 18:12
by Cruciattus
El archivo no se llama posting_abbcode_buttons.html
se llama posting_abbcode_buttons.js
es ese no?

No encuentro esas lineas, aqui dejo el archivo
Code: Select all
* @package: phpBB 3.0.8 :: Advanced BBCode box 3 -> root/styles/abbcode
* @version: $Id: posting_abbcode_buttons.js, v 3.0.8-pl1 2010/09/13 10:06:28 leviatan21 Exp $
* @copyright: leviatan21 < info@mssti.com > (Gabriel) http://www.mssti.com/phpbb3/
* @license: http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License 
* @author: leviatan21 - http://www.phpbb.com/community/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=345763
* @Co-Author: VSE - http://www.phpbb.com/community/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=868795

var copy_paste = '';
* Default values for width and height values for the wizard pop-up window
var popup_width		= <!-- IF S_ABBC3_WIZARD_WIDTH -->{S_ABBC3_WIZARD_WIDTH}<!-- ELSE -->700<!-- ENDIF -->;
var popup_height	= <!-- IF S_ABBC3_WIZARD_HEIGHT -->{S_ABBC3_WIZARD_HEIGHT}<!-- ELSE -->400<!-- ENDIF -->;

* Default wizard mode
* 0=Disable wizards | 1=Pop Up window | 2=In post (Ajax)
var popup_wizards	= <!-- IF S_ABBC3_WIZARD_MODE eq '0' -->false<!-- ELSE -->true<!-- ENDIF -->;

* Replace all bbcodes to a plain text
* Code based off : http://ufku.com/personal/bbc2html
* @param string		data		post text to convert
function bbcode_to_plain(data)
	/** Have a possible bbcode ? **/
	if (data.indexOf('[') < 0)
		return data;
	* the RegExp() built a regular expression
	* Regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings.
	function bbcode_to_plain_create_regexp(pattern, modifiers)
		return new RegExp(pattern, modifiers);
	* The exec() method tests for a match in a string.
	* This method returns the matched text if it finds a match, otherwise it returns null.
	function bbcode_to_plain_matched_text(str, pattern, modifiers)
		return bbcode_to_plain_create_regexp(pattern, modifiers).exec(str);
	* The replace() method searches for a match between a substring and a string, and replaces the matched substring with a new substring
	function bbcode_to_plain_simple_replace(str)
		return str.replace(basic_bbcode_match, bbcode_to_plain_pattern);
	* The replace() method searches for a match between a regular expression and a string, and replaces the matched substring with a new substring
	function bbcode_to_plain_regexp_replace(str, replace)
		for (var i in replace)
			if (bbcode_to_plain_matched_text(str, i, 'gim'))
				str = str.replace(bbcode_to_plain_create_regexp(i, 'gim'), replace[i]);
		return str;
	* Check wich replacement we should apply
	function bbcode_to_plain_pattern(match_0, match_1, match_2, match_3)
		if (match_3 && match_3.indexOf('[') > -1)
			match_3 = bbcode_to_plain_simple_replace(match_3);
	/** alert( '0('+$0+') 1('+$1+') 2('+$2+') 3('+$3+')'); **/
		switch (match_1)
			case 'url':
			case 'email':
				if (match_3 != '' && match_2 != '')
					match_3 = match_2;
			case 'click':
					match_3 = match_2;
		/** Nothing to do ? **/
		return match_3;
	/** return '['+ match_1 + (match_2 ? '='+ match_2 : '') +']'+ match_3 +'[/'+ match_1 +']'; **/

	var basic_bbcode_match	 = bbcode_to_plain_create_regexp('\\[([a-z][a-z0-9]*)(?:=([^\\]]+))?]((?:.|[\r\n])*?)\\[/\\1]', 'gim');
	var basic_bbcode_replace = bbcode_to_plain_create_regexp('^(\\d+)x(\\d+)$');

	/** Special bbcodes **/
	var special_bbcodes_init = {
			code : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			quote : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			list : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			bbvideo : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			align : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			tr : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			td : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			video : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			gvideo : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			quicktime : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			ram : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			flv : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			flash : [{'': ''}, '', ''],
			web : [{'': ''}, '', '']

	var special_bbcodes_array = {};
	for (var i in special_bbcodes_init)
			special_bbcodes_array['\\[('+ i +')]((?:.|[\r\n])*?)\\[/\\1]'] = function(match_0, match_1, match_2) { return bbcode_to_plain_regexp_replace(match_2, ''); };
			special_bbcodes_array['\\[('+ i +')(.*?)]((?:.|[\r\n])*?)\\[/\\1]'] = function(match_0, match_1, match_2, match_3) { return bbcode_to_plain_regexp_replace(match_3, ''); };
			special_bbcodes_array['\\[('+ i +')(\\=|\\s|)?(.*?)]((?:.|[\r\n])*?)\\[/\\1]'] = function(match_0, match_1, match_2, match_3) { return bbcode_to_plain_regexp_replace(match_3, ''); };
		//	special_bbcodes_array['\\[('+ i +')=(.*?)]((?:.|[\r\n])*?)\\[/\\1]'] = function(match_0, match_1, match_2, match_3) { return bbcode_to_plain_regexp_replace(match_3, ''); };

	/** Extra bbcodes **/
	var	extra_bbcodes_array = {
		'\\[\\*]' : ' ',
		'\\[tabs]' : '',
		'\\[tabs\\:(.*?)]' : ' $1',
		'\\[/tabs]' : '',
		'\\[(hr|tab(=[a-z0-9]*))]' : ''

	return bbcode_to_plain_simple_replace(bbcode_to_plain_regexp_replace(bbcode_to_plain_regexp_replace(data, special_bbcodes_array), extra_bbcodes_array));

* Help line tips values
var help_line2 = {
<!-- BEGIN abbc3_tags -->
	<!-- IF abbc3_tags.BBCODE_ABBC3 and (abbc3_tags.BBCODE_MOVER or abbc3_tags.BBCODE_TIP or abbc3_tags.BBCODE_NOTE or abbc3_tags.BBCODE_EXAMPLE) -->
	'{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_NAME}' : ("{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_MOVER}" ? "{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_MOVER}" : "") + (("{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_TIP}" || "{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_NOTE}") ? " :" : "") + (("{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_TIP}") ? " {abbc3_tags.BBCODE_TIP}" : "") + (("{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_NOTE}") ? " {abbc3_tags.BBCODE_NOTE}" : "") + (("{abbc3_tags.BBCODE_EXAMPLE}") ? "\n{LA_ABBC3_EXAMPLE} : {abbc3_tags.BBCODE_EXAMPLE}" : ""),
	<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END abbc3_tags -->
	'abbc3_font'			: "{LA_ABBC3_FONT_MOVER} : " + "{LA_ABBC3_FONT_TIP}\n{LA_ABBC3_FONT_NOTE}",
	'abbc3_size'			: "{LA_ABBC3_SIZE_MOVER} : " + "{LA_ABBC3_SIZE_TIP}\n{LA_ABBC3_SIZE_NOTE}",
	'abbc3_color'			: "{LA_ABBC3_COLOR_MOVER} : " + "{LA_ABBC3_COLOR_TIP}\n{LA_ABBC3_COLOR_NOTE}",
	'abbc3_tip'				: "{LA_BBCODE_STYLES_TIP}"

* Show help line tips
* @param string		help		string to display
* @param string		help_box	the element ID where the tip will be displayed
function helpline2(help, help_box)
	if (!help)
		help = 'abbc3_tip';
	if (!help_box)
		help_box = 'helpbox';

	var helpbox = document.forms[form_name].elements[help_box];
	if (helpbox)
		helpbox.value = (help_line2[help]) ? help_line2[help] : ((help_line[help]) ? help_line[help] : help);

* Main function Apply bbcodes
* based-of editor.js -> function bbfontstyle()
* @param string		bbcode		bbcode name
* @param string		bbopen		The open tag
* @param string		bbclose		The close tag
* @param bool		is_abbcode	is a custom bbcode or not
function bbstyle2(bbcode, bbopen, bbclose, is_abbcode)
	// If this is a regular custom bbcode, just do it quicly in the regolar way
	if (!is_abbcode)
		bbfontstyle(bbopen, bbclose);

	theSelection = false;

	var textarea = document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name];


	var selLength, selStart, selEnd, s1, s2, s3;

	if ((clientVer >= 4) && is_ie && is_win)
		/** Get text selection **/
		theSelection = document.selection.createRange().text;
	else if (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd && (document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionEnd - document.forms[form_name].elements[text_name].selectionStart > 0))
		selLength	= textarea.textLength;
		selLength	= (typeof(selLength) == 'undefined' || selLength == '' || selLength === null) ? textarea.value.length : selLength;
		selStart	= textarea.selectionStart;
		selEnd		= textarea.selectionEnd;

		if (selEnd == 1 || selEnd == 2)
			selEnd = selLength;

		s1 = (textarea.value).substring(0, selStart);
		s2 = (textarea.value).substring(selStart, selEnd);
		s3 = (textarea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
		theSelection = s2;

	var theSelectionLength = theSelection.length;

	switch (bbcode)
	/** We make the life easyer for some bbcodes - Start **/	
		case "abbc3_tab" :
			bbfontstyle("[tab=30]", "");
		case "abbc3_anchor" :
			bbfontstyle("[anchor= goto=]", "[/anchor]");
		case "abbc3_mod" :
			bbfontstyle("[mod=\"{S_POST_AUTHOR}\"]", "[/mod]");
		case "abbc3_tabs" :
			bbfontstyle("[tabs][tabs: ]", "[/tabs]");
		case "abbc3_listb" :
			bbfontstyle("[list][*]", "[/list]");
		case "abbc3_listo" :
			bbfontstyle("[list=1][*]", "[/list]");
		case "abbc3_listitem" :
			bbfontstyle("[*]", "");
		case "abbc3_hr" :
			bbfontstyle("[hr]", "");
		case "abbc3_glow" :
			bbfontstyle("[glow=red]", "[/glow]");
		case "abbc3_shadow" :
			bbfontstyle("[shadow=blue]", "[/shadow]");
		case "abbc3_dropshadow" :
			bbfontstyle("[dropshadow=blue]", "[/dropshadow]");
		case "abbc3_blur" :
			bbfontstyle("[blur=blue]", "[/blur]");
		case "abbc3_wave" :
			bbfontstyle("[wave=blue]", "[/wave]");
		case "abbc3_imgshack" :
			popup('http://imageshack.us/', popup_width, popup_height);
		//	tinypic ¿?
		//	popup('http://ipostimage.org/', popup_width, popup_height);
		//	popup('http://www.imageposter.com/uploads/?mode=phpbb&forumurl=' + escape(document.location.href), '_imagehost', 'resizable=yes,width=500,height=400', popup_width, popup_height);	*/
	/** We make the life easyer for some bbcodes - End **/	

	/** This bbcodes use wizard - Start **/
		/** This bbcodes was deprecated in v3.0.7 **/
		case "abbc3_upload" :
		case "abbc3_url" :
		case "abbc3_ed2k" :
		case "abbc3_email" :
		case "abbc3_img" :
		case "abbc3_thumbnail" :
		case "abbc3_rapidshare" :
		case "abbc3_testlink" :
		case "abbc3_click" :
		case "abbc3_table" :
		/** This bbcodes needs extra data **/
		case "abbc3_bbvideo" :
		case "abbc3_flash" :
		case "abbc3_flv" :
		case "abbc3_video" :
		case "abbc3_quicktime" :
		case "abbc3_ram" :
		case "abbc3_web" :
		/** Web videos bbcodes **/
		case "abbc3_stream" :
		case "abbc3_veoh" :
		case "abbc3_collegehumor" :
		case "abbc3_gvideo" :
		case "abbc3_youtube" :
		/** Gradient needs his own function **/
		case "abbc3_grad" :
		/** Extra Custom bbcodes - Start **/
		case "deezer" :
		/** Extra Custom bbcodes - End **/

			if (bbcode == "abbc3_grad")
				if (typeof(theSelection) == 'undefined' || theSelection === null || theSelection == '')

				if (theSelectionLength > 120)
					alert("{LA_ABBC3_ERROR}\n{LA_ABBC3_GRAD_MAX_ERROR}" + theSelectionLength);
			if (bbcode == "abbc3_table" && (theSelection || !popup_wizards))
				bbfontstyle("[table=][tr=][td=]", "[/td][/tr][/table]");
			if ((theSelection || !popup_wizards) && bbcode != "abbc3_grad")
				bbcode_extra = (bbcode == 'abbc3_bbvideo' || bbcode == 'abbc3_flash' || bbcode == 'abbc3_flv' || bbcode == 'abbc3_video' || bbcode == 'abbc3_quicktime' || bbcode == 'abbc3_ram') ? " {S_ABBC3_VIDEO_WIDTH},{S_ABBC3_VIDEO_HEIGHT}" : (bbcode == 'abbc3_web') ? ' 100%,100' : '';

				if ( bbcode == "abbc3_ed2k")
					bbcode = "abbc3_url";

				bbcode = bbcode.replace("abbc3_" , "");
				bbfontstyle('[' + bbcode + bbcode_extra + ']', '[/' + bbcode + ']');

			var wizards_url = '{S_ABBC3_WIZARD_PAGE}';
			var wizards_params = '&abbc3=' + bbcode + '&form_name=' + form_name + '&text_name=' + text_name<!-- IF S_ABBC3_IN_ADMIN --> + '&admin=1'<!-- ENDIF -->;
		<!-- IF S_ABBC3_WIZARD_MODE eq '2' -->
			ABBC3_Ajax_send(wizards_url, wizards_params, bbcode);
		<!-- ELSE -->
			popup(wizards_url + wizards_params, popup_width, popup_height);
		<!-- ENDIF -->
	/** This bbcodes needs wizard - End **/

		case "abbc3_plain" :
			if (typeof(theSelection) == 'undefined' || theSelection == '' || theSelection === null)
				try {//	tempSelection = tempSelection.replace(/\[[^\]]*\]/gi,"");
						var tempSelection = bbcode_to_plain(theSelection);

						if ((clientVer >= 4) && is_ie && is_win)
							document.selection.createRange().text = tempSelection;
						else if (textarea.selectionEnd && (textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart > 0))
							textarea.value = s1 + tempSelection + s3;
							selEnd = textarea.selectionEnd = (textarea.value).substring(0, selStart).length + tempSelection.length;
				} catch (e) {}
		case "abbc3_cut" :
			if (typeof(theSelection) == 'undefined' || theSelection === null || theSelection == '')
				if ((clientVer >= 4) && is_ie && is_win)
					document.selection.createRange().text = '';
				else if (textarea.selectionEnd && (textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart > 0))
					textarea.value = (textarea.value).substring(0, selStart) + (textarea.value).substring(selEnd, selLength);
					selEnd = textarea.selectionEnd = (textarea.value).substring(0, selStart).length;
		case "abbc3_copy" :
			if (typeof(theSelection) == 'undefined' || theSelection == '' || theSelection === null)
				copy_paste = theSelection;
		case "abbc3_paste" :
			if (copy_paste)
				bbfontstyle(copy_paste, '');

		/** This should never happens, just in case, let's phpbb3 take care of it **/
		default :
			bbfontstyle(bbopen, bbclose);

	theSelection = '';

<!-- IF (S_ABBC3_COLOR_MODE eq 'dropdown' or S_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MODE eq 'dropdown') or (S_ABBC3_COLOR_MODE eq 'fancy' or S_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MODE eq 'fancy') -->
* Dropdown Color pallette for highlight text & colour text
* Code from : http://www.mredkj.com/tutorials/tutorial005.html
* @param string		el		the element id
* @param string		mode	(fancy | dropdown)
function ABBC3_palette(el, mode)
	var elSel = document.getElementById(el);

	if (!elSel)
	if (!mode)
		mode = 'dropdown';
	var color;
	var optn;
	var item;
	var numberList = {
		0 : '00',
		1 : '40',
		2 : '80',
		3 : 'BF',
		4 : 'FF'

	if (mode == 'dropdown' && el == 'abbc3_color')
		var topic_cur_post_id = document.forms[form_name].elements['topic_cur_post_id'];
			topic_cur_post_id = (topic_cur_post_id) ? parseInt(topic_cur_post_id.value) + 1 : parseInt('{S_POST_ID}', 10);
		var optn_className = (isEven(topic_cur_post_id)) ? 'bg2 row1' : 'bg1 row2';

	for (var r = 4; r > -1; r--)
		for (var g = 4; g > -1; g--)
			for (var b = 4; b > -1; b--)
				if (mode == 'fancy')
					color = String(numberList[r]) + String(numberList[g]) + String(numberList[b]);
					color = color.toLowerCase();
					item = document.createElement('li');
					item.innerHTML = '{LA_SAMPLE_TEXT}' + '&nbsp;(#' + color + ')';

					if (el == 'ul_color_selector')
						item['onclick']=new Function('bbfontstyle("[color=#'+color+']", "[/color]"); return false;');
						item.style.color = '#' + color;
						item['onclick']=new Function('bbfontstyle("[highlight=#'+color+']", "[/highlight]"); return false;');
						item.style.backgroundColor = '#' + color;
				else if (mode == 'dropdown')
					color = String(numberList[r]) + String(numberList[g]) + String(numberList[b]);
					color = color.toLowerCase();
					optn = document.createElement('option');
					optn.text = '#' + color;
					optn.value = color;

					if (el == 'abbc3_color')
						optn.className = optn_className;
						optn.style.color = '#' + color;
						optn.style.backgroundColor = '#' + color;
* The given number is even or odd ?
function isEven(Number)
	return (Number%2 == 0) ? true : false;
<!-- ENDIF -->

* Resize a textbox - START
* @param int		height		amount of height to apply
* @param string		el			the element ID
* @param string		cookie_name	the name of the cookie to store the height
function textbox_resize(height, el, cookie_name)
	/* if no element ID was passed, use the main ID */
	if (typeof(el) == 'undefined')
		el = text_name;

	/* if no cookir ID was passed, use the main ID */
	if (typeof(cookie_name) == 'undefined')
		cookie_name = '{S_ABBC3_COOKIE_NAME}' + el;

	/* Get the editor element */
	var editor = document.getElementById(el);

	/* Get the cookie height for this editor */
	/* If no cookie exist, create it whith the actual height for this editor */
	var the_cookie = ABBC3_load_cookie(cookie_name, editor.rows, 365);

	/* if no height was passed, try to read the cookie value */
	if (the_cookie !== 0 && typeof(height) != 'number')
		height = parseInt(the_cookie, 10);
	/* if height was passed, try to read the actual height */
		height = editor.rows + parseInt(height/10, 10);

	/* if we have a new height, use it */
	if (!isNaN(height))
		/* Reset the actual style height */
		if (editor.style.height)
			editor.style.height = null;
		/* resize the textarea */
		editor.rows = height;
		/* store the cookie */
		createCookie(cookie_name, editor.rows, 365);

* Manage the cookies
*	Get the cookie height for this editor
*	If no cookie exist, create it whith the actual height for this editor
* @param string		name		the name of the cookie to store the height
* @param int		value		height for this editor
* @param int		days		the numbers of days to store the cookie
function ABBC3_load_cookie(name, value, days)
	var the_cookie = null;

	/* Get the cookie height for this editor */
	the_cookie = readCookie(name);

	/* If no cookie exist, create it whith the actual height for this editor */
	if (!the_cookie)
		the_cookie = createCookie(name, value, days);

	return the_cookie;

if (typeof createCookie != 'function')
	function createCookie(name, value, days)
		if (days)
			var date = new Date();
			date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000));
			var expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString();
			expires = '';

		document.cookie = name + '=' + value + expires + 'A_COOKIE_SETTINGS';

if (typeof readCookie != 'function')
	function readCookie(name)
		var nameEQ = name + '=';
		var ca = document.cookie.split(';');

		for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++)
			var c = ca[i];

			while (c.charAt(0) == ' ')
				c = c.substring(1, c.length);

			if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0)
				return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);

		return null;
/** Resize a textbox - END **/
<!-- ENDIF -->

* javascript for Bubble Tooltips by Alessandro Fulciniti
* http://pro.html.it - http://web-graphics.com 
* obtained from: http://web-graphics.com/mtarchive/001717.php
*	- added ability to perform tooltips on list elements
* @param string		id					the element ID
* @param string		headline			the title
* @param string		sub_id				unknown 
* @param string		content_direction	the text direction (rtl|ltr)
function ABBC3_enable_tooltips_list(id, headline, sub_id, content_direction)
	var links, i, hold;

	s_content_direction = (content_direction) ? content_direction : 'rtl';
	head_text = headline;

	if (!document.getElementById || !document.getElementsByTagName)

	hold = document.createElement('span');
	hold.id = '_tooltip_container';
	hold.setAttribute('id', '_tooltip_container');
	hold.style.position = 'absolute';


	if (id === null)
		links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
		links = document.getElementById(id).getElementsByTagName('a');

	for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
		if (sub_id)
			if (links[i].id.substr(0, sub_id.length) == sub_id)

* Correct positioning of tooltip container
* dependance prepare()
function locate(e)
	var posx = 0;
	var posy = 0;

	e = e.parentNode.parentNode;

	if (e.offsetParent)
		for (posx = 0, posy = 0; e.offsetParent; e = e.offsetParent)
			posx += e.offsetLeft;
			posy += e.offsetTop;
		posx = e.offsetLeft;
		posy = e.offsetTop;

	document.getElementById('_tooltip_container').style.left = (s_content_direction == 'rtl' ? (posx-140) : (posx)) + 'px';
	document.getElementById('_tooltip_container').style.top  = (s_content_direction == 'rtl' ? (posy-90) : (posy-100)) + 'px';
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_ABBC3_WIZARD_MODE eq '2' -->
* AJAX Form POST Request - HTML Form POST/Submit with AJAX/Javascript
* Base code :
*	http://www.captain.at/howto-ajax-form-post-request.php
*	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest
*	http://developer.apple.com/internet/webcontent/xmlhttpreq.html
*	http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537505%28VS.85%29.aspx
* @param string		url				the url to call
* @param string		parameters		the parameters for the url
* @param string		bbcode			the bbcode name 
* @param string		container_id	the element ID to display the result
function ABBC3_Ajax_send(url, parameters, bbcode, container_id)
	var xmlhttp = false;

	if (!container_id)
		container_id = 'ABBC3_Ajax_Wizards';

    // branch for native XMLHttpRequest object (IE7, Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari)
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest && !(window.ActiveXObject))
		try {
			xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
		} catch(e) {
			xmlhttp = false;
	// Support versions of Internet Explorer prior to Internet Explorer 7
	else if (window.ActiveXObject)
		// modern versions
		try {
			xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		} catch (e){
			// oldest versions
			try {
				xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
			} catch (e) {
				xmlhttp = false;
	* Provide the XMLHttpRequest constructor for IE 5.x-6.x:
	* Other browsers (including IE 7.x-8.x) do not redefine
	* XMLHttpRequest if it already exists.
	* If native XMLHTTP has been disabled, developers can override the XMLHttpRequest property of the window object with the MSXML-XMLHTTP control, unless ActiveX has also been disabled, as in the following example.
	else if (typeof(XMLHttpRequest) == "undefined")
		xmlhttp = function ()
			try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); } catch (e) {}
			try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); } catch (e) {}
			try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {}
		document.getElementById(container_id).innerHTML = "{LA_ABBC3_AJAX_DISABLED}";
		return false;

	if (xmlhttp)
		url = url.replace(/&/g, '&');
		parameters = parameters.replace(/&/g, '&') + '&ajax=true';
		// Event handler for an event that fires at every state change
		xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){ ABBC3_Ajax_handler(xmlhttp, container_id, bbcode); }
		xmlhttp.open('POST', url + parameters, true);

* Create a function that will handle the received data sent from the server
* @param string		xmlhttp			the ajax oblect
* @param string		bbcode			the bbcode name 
* @param string		container_id	the element ID to display the result
function ABBC3_Ajax_handler(xmlhttp, container_id, bbcode)
	// Object status integer
	     if (xmlhttp.readyState == 0) { /* 0 = uninitialized */	}
	else if (xmlhttp.readyState == 1) { /* 1 = loading */		}
	else if (xmlhttp.readyState == 2) { /* 2 = loaded */		}
	else if (xmlhttp.readyState == 3) { /* 3 = interactive */	}
	else if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { /* 4 = complete */
		// in HTTP there are various status codes returned by both HEAD and GET requests, 200 means success, 404 means failure, and the others mean other things.
		if (xmlhttp.status == 200) // || xmlhttp.status == 0)
			// String version of data returned from server process
			var results = xmlhttp.responseText;
			ABBC3_Ajax_update(container_id, results);
			document.getElementById(container_id).style.display = 'block';
			if (bbcode == "abbc3_grad")
		// And the others mean other things.
		{	// Numeric code returned by server + String message accompanying the status code
			alert('{LA_GENERAL_ERROR} : ' + "\n" + xmlhttp.status + ' => ' + xmlhttp.statusText);

* Pure innerHTML is slightly faster in IE 
*	code from : http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-than-innerhtml
* @param string		el			the element ID to display the result
* @param string		str			the result to display
function ABBC3_Ajax_update(el, str)
	var ABBC3_Ajax_new_El;
	var ABBC3_Ajax_old_El = document.getElementById(el);

	if (ABBC3_Ajax_old_El !== null && typeof(str) != 'undefined')
		ABBC3_Ajax_new_El = ABBC3_Ajax_old_El.cloneNode(false);
		ABBC3_Ajax_new_El.innerHTML = str;
		ABBC3_Ajax_old_El.parentNode.replaceChild(ABBC3_Ajax_new_El, ABBC3_Ajax_old_El);

* Manae the ajax spinning loading image
* @param string		mode	(on=display|off=hide|null=create)
function ABBC3_Ajax_indicator(mode)
	var ABBC3_Ajax_image = document.getElementById('ABBC3_Ajax_image');
	var ABBC3_Ajax_indicator = document.getElementById('ABBC3_Ajax_indicator');

	if (ABBC3_Ajax_image)
		ABBC3_Ajax_image.style.display = (mode == 'on') ? 'block' : 'none';
		if (ABBC3_Ajax_indicator)
			/** Create the image here **/
			ABBC3_Ajax_image = document.createElement('img');
			ABBC3_Ajax_image.setAttribute('id', 'ABBC3_Ajax_image');
			ABBC3_Ajax_image.setAttribute('src', '{S_ABBC3_PATH}/abbcode_ajax_loading.gif');
			ABBC3_Ajax_image.style.display = 'none';
<!-- ENDIF -->
* Manage initial functions
function ABBC3_init()
	ABBC3_enable_tooltips_list('ul_selector', '{LA_ABBC3_HELP_DESC}', false, '{S_CONTENT_DIRECTION}');
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MODE eq 'fancy' -->
	ABBC3_palette('ul_highlight_selector', '{S_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MODE}');
<!-- ELSEIF S_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MODE eq 'dropdown' -->
	ABBC3_palette('abbc3_highlight', '{S_ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_MODE}');
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_ABBC3_COLOR_MODE eq 'fancy' -->
	ABBC3_palette('ul_color_selector', '{S_ABBC3_COLOR_MODE}');
<!-- ELSEIF S_ABBC3_COLOR_MODE eq 'dropdown' -->
	ABBC3_palette('abbc3_color', '{S_ABBC3_COLOR_MODE}');
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_ABBC3_WIZARD_MODE eq '2' -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

/** Install the safety net - START **/
if (window.onload_functions) // prosilver
	onload_functions[onload_functions.length] = "ABBC3_init();";
else if (typeof(window.addEventListener) != "undefined") // DOM
	window.addEventListener("load", ABBC3_init, false);
else if (typeof(window.attachEvent) != "undefined") // MSIE
	window.attachEvent("onload", ABBC3_init);
/** Install the safety net - END **/

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 05 Oct 2012, 18:30
by cisco007
no no es ese archivo es el que te dije, yo hace años tenia el mod instalado y el archivo que tenia que modificar era: [c]<!-- INCLUDE posting_abbcode_buttons.html -->[/c] y de acuerdo al archivo de instalación y tu archivo [c]<!-- INCLUDE posting_buttons.html -->[/c] el archivo que debes modificar es [c]<!-- INCLUDE posting_abbcode_buttons.html -->[/c] ese otro archivo que dices solo tienes el JS para funcionen todos los botones de ese mod.

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 00:45
by Cruciattus
Pero yo no tengo ese archivo
Que puedo hacer?

Re: Poner emoticones en una pestaña

Posted: 06 Oct 2012, 01:03
by cisco007
[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/ ... Rolzor.gif[/img]
no recuerdo haber te dicho que estaba en la carpeta abbcode, o si te lo dije lo siento.
esa carpeta nada mas contiene los archivos para ese mod.
El archivo que necesitas esta en la carpeta [c]/template/[/c] de tu estilo