Solucion creada por leviatan21
[openfile]Abrir: viewtopic.php[/openfile]
Code: Select all
// SEO TOOLKIT BEGIN -> Zero dupe
$phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['start'] = $phpbb_seo->seo_chk_start( $start, $config['posts_per_page'] );
if (!empty($phpbb_seo->seo_opt['url_rewrite'])) {
$phpbb_seo->seo_path['canonical'] = $phpbb_seo->drop_sid(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&start=$start"));
if ( $post_id && !$view && !$phpbb_seo->set_do_redir_post()) {
$phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['redir_def'] = array(
'p' => array('val' => $post_id, 'keep' => true, 'force' => true, 'hash' => "p$post_id"),
'hilit' => array('val' => (($highlight_match) ? $highlight : ''), 'keep' => !empty($highlight_match)),
} else {
$seo_watch = request_var('watch', '');
$seo_unwatch = request_var('unwatch', '');
$seo_bookmark = request_var('bookmark', 0);
$keep_watch = (boolean) ($seo_watch == 'topic' && $user->data['is_registered']);
$keep_unwatch = (boolean) ($seo_unwatch == 'topic' && $user->data['is_registered']);
$keep_hash = (boolean) ($keep_watch || $keep_unwatch || $seo_bookmark);
$seo_uid = max(0, request_var('uid', 0));
$phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['redir_def'] = array(
'uid' => array('val' => $seo_uid, 'keep' => (boolean) ($keep_hash && $seo_uid)),
'f' => array('val' => $forum_id, 'keep' => true, 'force' => true),
't' => array('val' => $topic_id, 'keep' => true, 'force' => true, 'hash' => $post_id ? "p$post_id" : ''),
'p' => array('val' => $post_id, 'keep' => ($post_id && $view == 'show' ? true : false), 'hash' => "p$post_id"),
'watch' => array('val' => $seo_watch, 'keep' => $keep_watch),
'unwatch' => array('val' => $seo_unwatch, 'keep' => $keep_unwatch),
'bookmark' => array('val' => $seo_bookmark, 'keep' => (boolean) ($user->data['is_registered'] && $config['allow_bookmarks'] && $seo_bookmark)),
'start' => array('val' => $phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['start'], 'keep' => true, 'force' => true),
'hash' => array('val' => request_var('hash', ''), 'keep' => $keep_hash),
'st' => array('val' => $sort_days, 'keep' => true),
'sk' => array('val' => $sort_key, 'keep' => true),
'sd' => array('val' => $sort_dir, 'keep' => true),
'view' => array('val' => $view, 'keep' => $view == 'print' ? (boolean) $auth->acl_get('f_print', $forum_id) : (($view == 'viewpoll' || $view == 'show') ? true : false)),
'hilit' => array('val' => (($highlight_match) ? $highlight : ''), 'keep' => (boolean) !(!$user->data['is_registered'] && $phpbb_seo->seo_opt['rem_hilit'])),
if ($phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['redir_def']['bookmark']['keep']) { // Prevent unessecary redirections
// Note : bookmark, watch and unwatch cases could just not be handled by the zero dupe (no redirect at all when used),
// but the handling as well acts as a poweful security shield so, it's worth it ;)
// SEO TOOLKIT END -> Zero dupe
Code: Select all
/// SEO TOOLKIT BEGIN -> Zero dupe
// Topic solved FIX - START
if (!$solved_id && !$unsolved)
// Topic solved FIX - END
$phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['start'] = $phpbb_seo->seo_chk_start( $start, $config['posts_per_page'] );
if (!empty($phpbb_seo->seo_opt['url_rewrite'])) {
$phpbb_seo->seo_path['canonical'] = $phpbb_seo->drop_sid(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}viewtopic.$phpEx", "f=$forum_id&t=$topic_id&start=$start"));
if ( $post_id && !$view && !$phpbb_seo->set_do_redir_post()) {
$phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['redir_def'] = array(
'p' => array('val' => $post_id, 'keep' => true, 'force' => true, 'hash' => "p$post_id"),
'hilit' => array('val' => (($highlight_match) ? $highlight : ''), 'keep' => !empty($highlight_match)),
} else {
$seo_watch = request_var('watch', '');
$seo_unwatch = request_var('unwatch', '');
$seo_bookmark = request_var('bookmark', 0);
$keep_watch = (boolean) ($seo_watch == 'topic' && $user->data['is_registered']);
$keep_unwatch = (boolean) ($seo_unwatch == 'topic' && $user->data['is_registered']);
$keep_hash = (boolean) ($keep_watch || $keep_unwatch || $seo_bookmark);
$seo_uid = max(0, request_var('uid', 0));
$phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['redir_def'] = array(
'uid' => array('val' => $seo_uid, 'keep' => (boolean) ($keep_hash && $seo_uid)),
'f' => array('val' => $forum_id, 'keep' => true, 'force' => true),
't' => array('val' => $topic_id, 'keep' => true, 'force' => true, 'hash' => $post_id ? "p$post_id" : ''),
'p' => array('val' => $post_id, 'keep' => ($post_id && $view == 'show' ? true : false), 'hash' => "p$post_id"),
'watch' => array('val' => $seo_watch, 'keep' => $keep_watch),
'unwatch' => array('val' => $seo_unwatch, 'keep' => $keep_unwatch),
'bookmark' => array('val' => $seo_bookmark, 'keep' => (boolean) ($user->data['is_registered'] && $config['allow_bookmarks'] && $seo_bookmark)),
'start' => array('val' => $phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['start'], 'keep' => true, 'force' => true),
'hash' => array('val' => request_var('hash', ''), 'keep' => $keep_hash),
'st' => array('val' => $sort_days, 'keep' => true),
'sk' => array('val' => $sort_key, 'keep' => true),
'sd' => array('val' => $sort_dir, 'keep' => true),
'view' => array('val' => $view, 'keep' => $view == 'print' ? (boolean) $auth->acl_get('f_print', $forum_id) : (($view == 'viewpoll' || $view == 'show') ? true : false)),
'hilit' => array('val' => (($highlight_match) ? $highlight : ''), 'keep' => (boolean) !(!$user->data['is_registered'] && $phpbb_seo->seo_opt['rem_hilit'])),
if ($phpbb_seo->seo_opt['zero_dupe']['redir_def']['bookmark']['keep']) { // Prevent unessecary redirections
// Note : bookmark, watch and unwatch cases could just not be handled by the zero dupe (no redirect at all when used),
// but the handling as well acts as a poweful security shield so, it's worth it ;)
// Topic solved FIX - START
// Topic solved FIX - END
// SEO TOOLKIT END -> Zero dupe
ya con eso debe funcionar el mod correctamente!.
Equipo de phpBBMexico